200 Gigabyte Wireless Data Plan

For those of us who with a very poor quality ADSL connection and NBN still years in the future, mobile data has seemed like a tempting alternative. Price has been the sole limiting factor -- running to $10 per gigabyte. A recent package released by Optus represents a dramatic improvement in affordability. Home users in approved areas can now sign up for a $80 per month plan that gives users 200Gb of data. If this trend continues, landlines might be a thing of the past, even for power users. And NBN will find itself up against competitors with much lower infrastructure costs.

The Rise and Rise of Indie Authors

The Author Earnings website has worked hard at 'scraping' data from Amazon's various sites to provide unprecedented detail on sales data. As Amazon now represents close to a majority of print titles sold, knowing what is being sold and by whom is very interesting indeed. The data shows that independent authors represent a large and rapidly growing fraction of book sales on Amazon. There is also ample evidence that having a book listed on the Amazon bestseller lists provides a substantial boost to non-listed titles from the same author. Overall, Author Earnings claim that they identified over 9,000 authors earning more than USD $10,000 per year, and half of that number were earning over USD $20,000 per year. Read the whole report, which goes into much greater detail.

Public Relations and Authors

If you are one of those independent authors to whom selling does not come easily, you might want to consider a publicist. Local publicist Phillip Anderson offers reasonably priced six week campaigns. Such campaigns typically feature the following:

  • Author interviews and reviews in relevant newspapers
  • Author interviews with key online news sources
  • Book reviews across national and regional newspapers and online publications
  • National and local author radio interviews (where possible)

Phillip can be contacted via email: phillip@phillipandersonpublicity.com.au. Before engaging in such campaigns, authors will need to get their ducks in a row:

  • Make sure their books are easily available in the areas reached by the publicity
  • Ensure that they have spare stock in case sales go well (though this does not apply to print on demand and ebook sales online)
  • Rehearse the points they want to get across in interviews, the key selling strengths of their book, the so-called 'elevator pitch'. And have some kind of idea of potential customers and what kind of angles might appeal to them

These might seem obvious points, but we have seen a remarkable number of authors who weren't really across any of them before initiating publicity efforts. Remember: bookstores will be much better disposed to independent authors who are making a clear and sustained effort to promote their work.