Memoirs, Genre Fiction, Current Affairs, Science Fiction and Business: always plenty of variety and interest in the world of cover design. Here are some recent examples designed for our clients.
Web Vision Solutions -- online marketing for Authors
Independent authors often lack a plan for promoting their books and author brand online. Vanity Press publishers and others charge exorbitant fees for very uncertain results in this space. We approached local online marketing expert Ilana van Geijn and asked her if she could put together some affordable marketing packages designed for authors. She obliged and the results were as follows, with the associated introduction:
At Web Vision Solutions, we’ve been assisting our clients for over 10 years to create and establish a strong online presence to enhance brand recognition, elevate business and personal profiles, and drive sales of services and/or products.
As authors, we understand your specific needs. Our Book Marketing Professional team member has over 15 years experience, and teamed with my passion of creating and enhancing clients' online businesses, we combine our knowledge to craft a tailored strategy for you as an author. With a proven track record of collaborating with self published, traditionally published, USA Today and New York Times Best-Selling Authors, as well as small publishers, we ensure that every project we undertake meets the highest standards.
Ilana van Geijn
Founder, Web Vision Solutions
Some of the packages available are:
Book Launch and Marketing Strategy Packages — full and half
Amazon Publishing Package
NetGalley Promotion
Information For Ingram Spark Users
Websites, Social Media & More...
The full document can be downloaded here.
To get in touch with Web Vision Solutions:
To book in for a Discovery Call with Ilana, please click here.
Alternatively, please email us at and we will
connect with you within 24-48 hours.
Essential Marketing Tips for New Authors
A Guest Post from Chloe Harris
Despite the bells and whistles of computer games and streaming platforms, 95% of Australians still read for pleasure or interest.
But with thousands of titles released each year, how can you make it to their shelves?
Naturally, new authors need to work harder in marketing because they still lack an audience. Whether you’re backed by a traditional publisher or working on your own, it’s unlikely to get morning show interviews, TV commercials, or full-page ads in renowned literary magazines. The important thing is to be discerning with your marketing methods—no matter how small.
Here’s how to increase readership for new authors:
1. Create A Brand Identity
Effective branding is the foundation of any audience-building strategy. It is even more critical when you’re about to release your first book.
A brand is a concept that captures your uniqueness, relevance, and significance. To put it simply, your brand is your promise. And because this is a promise, you need to be consistent with the tone, design, colours, etc., to be recognisable.
Cultivating a persona is also an effective way to establish a relationship with the audience.
2. Approach Newspapers and Magazines
“Newspapers and magazines are still deemed as trustworthy sources of information. Having your book reviewed by an established critic or journalists can be a good start in drawing the readers' attention. They’d think that if the critic or journalist took time to read your work, there must be something about it.”, recommends Shane Perry, a financial consultant at Max Funding.
Remember not to push too hard and not to expect an instant response.
3. Create a Website
According to a survey, 60.8% of Australians say their primary source of news is the internet. As a new author, you must seize this opportunity and create a website through which the audience can find important information about you and your book.
A professionally-designed website with a brand persona gives an impression that you’re serious about your craft. With specific plugins, the audience can easily share your website through social media platforms.
The site doesn’t have to be elaborate; it simply has to contain relevant information, such as:
Your biography
Your photo
Summary of the book
Excerpts from your book
A link to sites where they can purchase the book
Links to your social media profiles
Reviews or a short clip of you talking about your inspiration
4. Book Launching and Signing
Book launching and signing is a traditional way to gain traction for new authors. You’ll have to bring out some cash for this, but a well-thought event can be effective in stirring the audience.
Start by setting a budget for an invite-only or an open house event. Then, choose a venue that’s accessible for your expected audient. Consider partnering with bookstores and libraries where many readers are always on the lookout for new authors. If you want a more casual event, strike a deal with a local bar or café.
5. Join Literary Events
As a new author, it is essential to connect with industry professionals. Taking part in literary events is an opportunity to gain fresh perspectives and get to know other emerging authors.
Working Type has been helping authors create deep emotional connections through customer-focused design and layout. Using our experience, expertise, and attention to detail, we ensure that your book correctly represents its content and reaches the right audience. Contact us now to know more.
David Gaughran is the Bomb
In a world of hucksters and over-promising, David Gaughran stands out for producing material with some integrity and a lot of detail. He produces a great deal of free material (alongside paid information) relating to the effective digital marketing of books — an essential part of book promotion these days, accelerated still further by the covid debacle. His free Starting from Zero course should be an essential starting point for any digital marketing neophyte. He approaches the Amazon borg with curiosity and humour, and demystifies the algorithms that increasingly rule our online lives.