Some interesting thoughts from Anne Davies, author of Wrath, listed as a notable book in the Children's Book Council Awards. She touches on the school market and writing with boys and young men in mind.
“Well, I was a high school teacher for a long time and found boys particularly hated reading, apart from”The Outsiders” which was written by a 17 year old American girl (S.E.Hinton) back in the ‘70’s .They made a movie of it — the first movie, I think, for Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe and Matt Dillon.
Anyway, I thought I would try to write something a bit more meaty but using her principles which boys liked — minimal description, short chapters, plenty happening,every chapter ending on something which you would want to find out,move the action along.I have certain things which I wanted to add — the whole idea of personal responsibility for your actions; how you need to have some “rules” for yourself — what sort of person do I want to be? How can I not be led by others into doing things I don’t want to without appearing a loser? What things do I admire in other people and want for myself? etc.This allowed me to at least touch on Buddhist concepts of being in control of your own thinking. As I say in the book, take over the steering wheel of your mind, without being too overtly religious but trying to convey the necessity of not just floating along being influenced by others or by random thoughts.One reviewer said, the book “gets a bit preachy towards the end for some.” I have to say, I meant to be preachy.
I approached a few schools which had been sent a copy of the book and bought a class set and offered to talk to the kids.I have only gone to two but both have been great, with the teachers saying some kids said this was the first book they had ever read to the end (we’re talking Year 12 here!). They all wanted to know about how much was autobiographical (lots!), would there be a sequel (no, I don’t think so) and so on. The surprise was that girls liked it too. Both teachers were very enthusiastic because the kids had really gotten into it and were happy to recommend it to teachers they knew so it will roll on hopefully.”